Monday, April 23, 2012



In mythology, a lunar deity is a god or goddess associated with or symbolizing the moon. These deities can have a variety of functions and traditions depending upon the culture, but they are often related to or an enemy of the solar deity. Even though they may be related, they are distinct from the solar deity. Lunar deities can be either male or female, and are usually held to be of the opposite sex of the corresponding solar deity. Male lunar deities are somewhat more common worldwide, although female deities are better known in modern times due to the influence of classical Greek and Roman mythology, which held the moon to be female.

Moon in mythology

The monthly cycle of the moon, in contrast to the annual cycle of the sun's path, has been implicitly linked to women's menstrual cycles by many cultures, as evident in the links between the words for menstruation and for moon in many resultant languages.[1] Many of the most well-known mythologies feature female lunar deities, such as the Greek goddesses: Phoebe, Artemis, Selene and Hecate.

Male lunar gods are also frequent, such as Sin of the Mesopotamians, Mani of the Germanic tribes, the Japanese god Tsukuyomi. These cultures usually featured female Sun goddesses. There are also many lunar deities that were prevalent in Greek and Egyptian civilizations. For example, Ibis, Chonsu of Thebes were both lunar deities. Thoth was also a lunar deity, but his character is considerably more complex than Ibis and Chonsu.[2]

Also of significance is that many religions and societies are orientated chronologically by the Moon as opposed to the sun. One common example is Hinduism in which the word Chandra means Moon and has religious significance during many Hindu festivals (e.g. Karwa Chauth, Sankasht Chaturthi and during the eclipses).

The moon is also worshipped in witchcraft, both in its modern form and in Medieval times, for example, in the cult of Madonna Oriente.

While many Neopagan authors and feminist scholars claim that there was an original Great Goddess in prehistoric cultures that was linked to the moon and formed the basis of later religions,[3] the Great Goddess figure is highly speculative and not a proven concept. It may be noted that most of the oldest civilizations mentioned above had male lunar deities and it was only later cultures, the classical ones most people are familiar, that featured strong female moon goddesses.

The moon features prominently in art and literature and also the purported influence of the moon in human affairs remains a feature of astrology.


Ancient Near East
Aglibol (Palmarene mythology)
Yarikh (Canaanite mythology)
Kaskuh (Hittite mythology)
Kusuh (Hurrian mythology)
Sin (Mesopotamian mythology)
Napir (Elamite mythology)
Nikkal (Canaanite mythology)
Selardi (Urartian mythology)
Ta'lab (Arabian mythology)
Wadd (Arabian mythology)
Abnoba (Celtic mythology)
Achelois (Greek mythology)
Phoebe (Greek mythology)
Artemis (Greek mythology)
Selene (Greek mythology)
Hecate (Greek mythology)
Ataegina (Lusitanian mythology)
Bendis (Thracian mythology)
Ilazki (Basque mythology)
Kovatä (Moksha mythology)
Kuu (Finnish mythology)
Lair báln (Celtic mythology)
Losna (Etruscan mythology)
Mani (Norse mythology)
Mano (Sami mythology)
Mēness (Latvian mythology)
Myesyats (Slavic mythology)
Zorya (Slavic mythology)
East Asia
Chang'e (Chinese mythology)
Chup Kamui (Ainu mythology)
Hằng Nga (Vietnamese mythology)
Marishi-Ten (Japanese mythology)
Tsukuyomi (Japanese mythology)
Southeast Asia
Anumati (Hindu mythology)
Chandra or 'Indu' (Hindu mythology)
Soma (Hindu mythology)
Dewi Shri (Indonesian mythology)
Silewe Nazarate (Indonesian mythology)
Mayari (Philippine mythology)
Avatea (Polynesian mythology)
Fati (Polynesian mythology)
Hina (Polynesian mythology)
Kidili (Mandjindja mythology)
Lona (Polynesian mythology)
Mahina (Polynesian mythology)
Marama (Polynesian mythology)
Papare (Orokolo mythology)
Ngalindi (Yolngu mythology)
Almaqah (Ethiopian mythology)
Arebati (Pygmy mythology)
Chons (Egyptian mythology)
Gleti (Dahomean mythology)
Hathor (Egyptian mythology)
Iah (Egyptian mythology)
Kalfu (Vodun)
Thoth (Egyptian mythology)
Yemaya (Yoruba mythology)
Ahau-Kin (Maya mythology)
Alignak (Inuit mythology)
Ari (Tupinamba mythology)
Awilix (K'iche' Maya mythology)
Chia (Chibcha mythology)
Chie (Chibcha mythology)
Coniraya (Incan mythology)
Coyolxauhqui (Aztec mythology)
Huitaca (Chibcha mythology)
Igaluk (Inuit mythology)
Ixbalanque (Maya mythology)
Ixchel (Maya mythology)
Jaci (Tupinamba mythology)
Ka-Ata-Killa (Incan mythology)
Mama Quilla (Incan mythology)
Menily (Cahuilla mythology)
Metztli (Aztec mythology)
Pah (Pawnee mythology)
Tarqiup Inua (Inuit mythology)
Tecciztecatl (Aztec mythology)
Yoołgai Asdzą́ą́ (Diné Bahaneʼ/Navajo)

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